Monday, February 25, 2013

Mohammed AL-Abdulla

                           Avila Canvas

         Meeting with Stansbury, Katrina was really interesting. Asking her about Canvas made the interview more interesting. First I asked her about how did she came up with Canvas.
         According to Katrina was that they used an online program to analyze all learning management systems that were available. So, by using that and putting what they used in Angel Katrina said that they were able to narrow down to ten choices. After that Katrina said that we analyzed what they needed, what we wanted, and where we wanted to go. So, because of that according to Katrina they narrowed it down to three. So, because of that Avila had demonstrations by three companies. So, after that they narrowed it down to Canvas after they saw the companies’ demonstration.  Second, I asked her about what advantages does Canvas has.
         According to Katrina she said that Canvas had lots of collaborative features as well as a lot of ways that students could interact with each other. Also according to Katrina, by using Canvas students could work together on group’s projects online in real time.  Moreover, according to Katrina by using Canvas the instructor could do online conferences so students or people could do online chats, if students or people had questions,  they  could see each others screen. So, by using Canvas it would make it more collaborative and easy for people to get together even though it is an online class. Third, I asked her about what made Canvas unique than blackboards as well Angels.
         According to Katrina what made Canvas unique than other blackboards as well as angels because it was an open source. Also, according to Katrina was that Canvas was similar to a product called Moodle, but it had over site from a company. So, because it an open resource according to Katrina people could make changes as well as recommendation but still the company signed of his final approval. Moreover, according to Katrina Canvas wasn’t like a corporation like blackboard so because of that people who used Canvas wouldn’t get staled or stuck with what they got for six months before they finally made a change.  According to Katrina Canvas made updates every two weeks. Finally, I asked Katrina about if she thought that Canvas would last for along period time or not.
         According to Katrina she thought that Canvas would last longer for certain reasons. The first one was that Canvas was a new company. Also, according to Katrina was that Canvas started four years ago. Finally because Canvas was using lots of online resources it will last longer.

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