Sunday, October 6, 2013

Mohammed AL-Abdulla
Story 4

Asking people about if the did something to people or if people did something nice to them was unique.

            According to George Kangas, he said that he did something nice to people. According to George, he said that last Monday when his shift was over helping people in the math helper room. His replacement did not show up. So, according to George, he stuck around and helped people in the math room. Also, according to George, he likes to do it because he enjoys explaining math. According to Wrath Gosie, she said that lots of people did something nice to her. For example, she was sick and everybody she knows was checking on her and making sure if she is ok, even though according to Wrath she is not ok. Also, according to Wrath lots of people she knows gave her love when she was sick. According to Uriah Binegar, she said that her neighbor brought her a fresh loaf of bread for no reason. According to Brett Hollm, he said that on Saturday he was working in the Burger Stand while an older couple was there. According to Brett he found them very personable and likeable so because of that Brett paid attention to them. Also, according to Brett, he asks them if they need any more beers or if they need anything. So the old couples they were very responsive and respectful to him, and because of his help they gave Brett a five-dollar tip. So, also, the old couple did to him something nice by giving him a tip. 
            According to Allison Colburn, she said that when she was traveling in London she was heading to the subway because she needed to go to the airport. According to Allison, she was heading there three ours earlier just to be on the safe side. While she was in the line buying the ticket to head to the airport, according to Allison she saw women that could not speak English well. The only thing the women could say was hello. According to Allison the women was taking along time in the line because she couldn’t talk to the man to get the ticket. So, according to Allison she helped her in teaching her were to go because she couldn’t read the map correctly and she did not know were to go on the subway. According to Allison, she took her extra time for going to the airport to take the woman to the right place on the subway. After that according to Allison she went back to the airport. She did that for the women because she did not want her to get lost the whole day.  Also, according to Allison she said that it seems that nobody wants to help her so she used her extra time to do that.  

Allison Colburm

Brett Hollm

George Kangas

Uriah Binegar

Wrath Gosie

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